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*Walks onto a stage and approaches a lone microphone, illuminated by a single spotlight.*

Ladies and gentlemen, it is with great pleasure that I introduce to you…Shell.

Mitsuko Nakamura, known as MiMi to her fictitious friends and, more popularly, Neon to her enemies, struggles to find a balance between the chaotic elements that comprise her life.

Juggling a relationship with an overly jealous boyfriend, placating her mother’s unrealistic expectations for her uncertain future, ensuring she completes her school work, and trying to further understand her newly-developed abilities are just a fraction of what takes up MiMi’s time as she attempts to just survive the day-to-day. More often than not, literally.

Moonsault City’s newest V-Threat, Overkill, has decided the best way to make a name for himself would be over her dead body—his performance being seemingly evaluated by a mysterious observer with more invested than just turning murdering teenagers into a spectator sport.


That’s right! Shell is now officially live and available to read in its entirety, totally free!

So if you’re a fan of superheroes, comic books, pop culture, the Marvel Universe or DC’s efforts, be sure to check it out and share MiMi's story with all your friends and family who may enjoy it!

Steve R


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