I’m excited to share that I’ve got a few big projects that will finally be seeing the light of day over the next few weeks.
First and foremost is the relaunch of my podcast-cum-geek critique blog, Sweet Story, Bro. I wrote about pivoting into a new format, and why, here.
But I’m also gearing up for something else—something as exciting and intimidating as this reimagining of SSB.
I’m finally going to be releasing some of my work into the world at everyone’s favourite cost: free.
Sharing work with the world is always a stressful experience. It doesn’t matter if you’re a writer, singer, artist, slam poetry contestant, or one of those people that make food look good for photo shoots, making those burgers look bigger and better than they actually are and—
*notices your polite, confused expression*
*shuffles notes and coughs awkwardly*
Putting your work and, by extension, you, out there is an inherently personal hurdle.
But with my latest manuscript, Steen, doing the rounds with literary agents (and receiving some positive/negative feedback in the process), I have decided its time to share a story that I’ve been sitting on for some time.
That story is called Shell.
“Mitsuko Nakamura, known as MiMi to her fictitious friends and, more popularly, Neon to her enemies, struggles to find a balance between the chaotic elements that comprise her life.
Juggling a relationship with an overly jealous boyfriend, placating her mother’s unrealistic expectations for her uncertain future, ensuring she completes her school work, and trying to further understand her newly-developed abilities are just a fraction of what takes up MiMi’s time as she attempts to just survive the day-to-day. More often than not, literally.
Moonsault City’s newest V-Threat, Overkill, has decided the best way to make a name for himself would be over her dead body—his performance being seemingly evaluated by a mysterious observer with more invested than just turning murdering teenagers into a spectator sport.”
If you’re a fan of story maths, Shell’s formula would probably look something like this:
Buffy x Heroes + Netflix’s Marvel Universe = Shell
Parallel Event
Shell was written around the time I was querying literary agents with my first novel, Temporary.
A sci-fi novel steeped in superhero mythology, I loved the idea of exploring superhuman morality themes through the eyes of a blue-collar stiff bestowed with Godlike strength. The pressure of choice, and what a person chooses to do as a time limit looms like the Sword of Damocles, was too intriguing a premise for me to ignore. I needed to explore that concept and was eager to share the final story.
Once Temporary was finished, I geared up for the querying process and found that I wasn’t ready to leave that world behind, so I began to write a side-story. Considering that Shell takes place within the time frame of Temporary, you could easily classify it as a Parallel Event to the main arc.
Originally intended for magazine submission, the short turned out to be too long for the average magazine short story competition, yet not long enough to be a novella. It straddled a halfway point, living on my hard drive as I pursued different projects, always wondering where Shell would fit.
Then I stopped overcomplicating the process, deciding to simply upload and share it with the world!
Besides, a shared story is surely better than one hidden away, never fulfilling its purpose. Just imagine Toy Story, but instead of toys…books and stories! Now never dog-ear a book again, you monster!
I kid.
*squints in obvious judgement, remembering the broken sobs of dog-eared books past*
Coming Out Of My Cage (Shell) And I’ve Been Doing Just Fine
That’s why I’m finally releasing Shell. It won’t be hosted on Write Steve Write; instead, I’ll be putting uploading it onto WattPad in an effort to help it find a wider audience.
So, if you’re a fan of superheroes in any form—comics, movies, TV shows, video games, audiobooks, even musicals (I remember you Spider-Man: Turn Off The Dark), then definitely check out MiMi’s Coming Of Age story. And, if you enjoy it, share it with your comic book/superhero loving friends.
Don’t hesitate to introduce them to Neon and her battle with Moonsault’s latest V-Threat, Overkill. Help spread Shell far and wide! I can’t express just how much it would mean to me if you did.
There’s a place in this world for superhero fiction. Just ask Michael Grant, Austin Grossman, and the incomparable V.E. Schwab. There has even been an interesting spate of DC related novelisations including Batman: The Court Of Owls, Harley Quinn: Mad Love, and even The Killing Joke.
Creators know what it’s like to have to squash insecurities when it comes to sharing and growing with their art. Sometimes, it feels easier to cocoon ourselves. But, taking influence from MiMi, it’s time for me to come out of my shell.
So be sure to subscribe to the blog and follow me on Twitter (@stevetendo) to find out when Shell is released.
In the meantime, enjoy a tease at the beautiful cover art, designed by the talented Mercy Eade. Don’t worry, it won’t be long before you can see the full thing in all its glory.

Steve Russell
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